ACLI is a command line utility that is used to create/modify/manage VMs on AHV.
NCLI is a command-line utility that can manage almost all cluster operations.
This article describes how to access the ACLI and NCLI command history.
The ACLI command history is stored in the file /home/nutanix/.acli_history.
This file is available only on CVMs hosted on AHV. It is not available on CVMs running on ESXi or Hyper-V.
This file is hidden.
It is helpful to determine what commands were run before to troubleshoot.
nutanix@cvm$ cat /home/nutanix/.acli_history
The NCLI command history is stored in the file /home/nutanix/.nutanix_history.
- This file is hidden.
nutanix@cvm$ cat /home/nutanix/.nutanix_history
BASH History
All ACLI and NCLI commands that were directly run from bash are also logged to the file /home/nutanix/.bash_history.
Again, use the cat command to view its contents:
nutanix@cvm$ cat /home/nutanix/.bash_history
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